Sunday, September 30, 2007

John Howard, keeping you safe from the internet

"Dear Fellow Australian...."

The ridiculous flood of taxpayer-funded advertising continues, causing (by all accounts) no shortage of bemusement in the electorate. Given the proximity to the election, Aussies are more than cynical enough to raise en eyebrow when they see the PM's face adorning a leaflet warning them about internet stalkers, and see it for the boondoggle it is. "Be afraid" is, of course, a favorite mantra of the Howard government, and all goverments everywhere. Of course the PM is willing to step in and keep you safe from the latest menace. He cares so much about you, he's willing to print a pamphlet about it, no matter how much it costs. 

Don't forget to be afraid about drugs, too. As well as learning a bit about how to construct a reason to get my face into the mailboxes of Australian households, I learned a lot of names for drugs I admit not knowing before. Next time I'm discussing drugs with a teenager and they mention scoring one of these, I'll know what they are talking about. My tax dollars at work!

Miss Emma, Mister Blue, Mandies, Windowpane, Angel's Trumpet, Scotty

And here are a few terms that as far as I know are not euphisims for illegal substances, but I think should be:

Abbott & Costello, Captain Smirk, Rodent, Vanstone.

If anyone knows where I can score a baggie of grade-A Captain Smirk, let me know. 

Welcome to the Blog

We are a branch of the Australian Labor Party in Clayton South, Victoria, a suburb of Melbourne. We're located in the seat of Hotham. Our local member is former party leader Simon Crean.  We're a very active branch and we tackle the issues with a lively debate every month. We live in an area that has traditionally been weoking class and migrant-friendly, and so we care very much about the rights of migrants and asylum seekers. spocial justice and the environment.

This blog will give some insight into the goings on in a typical (if atypically active) Labor branch . Those members who can't wait for a branch meeting are welcome to sound off here. Heaven knows the pollies give us a enough to froth about every day.