Friday, October 12, 2007

Practical Reconciliation

John Howard's bizarre backflip on reconciliation with indigenous Australians almost makes me feel sorry for the poor bloke - he's on the ropes, and clearly not getting enough sleep. Neither, apparently, are his advisors.

Are those constituents for whom reconciliation an important issue now going to stick with the PM given this 11th-hour announcement? It's hard to think so. However, his less sympathetic supporters, who've been relaxed and comfortable for 11 years now, will be nothing short of disgusted with this announcement.

No doubt the nation's indigenous leaders will be pleased by this, but I doubt any of them are so naive to believe the Liberal party represents the future of indigenous affairs in this country. His conversion leaves a lot to be desired - he speaks of his previous focus on "the practical side of reconciliation", but in reality has accomplished practically nothing in his tenure.

All in all it's almost surreal. It only makes any sense in the context of a man who knows he's on the way out, and is worried about his legacy. Well, your legacy, Mr Howard, will be of 11 years of inaction, and I am looking forward to moving on to some real action.

Let's see if anything more than "me too" will be forthcoming from Kevin.

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